September 2011

Big plans for Calais

Work is expected to start next year on Calais Premier, described by its promoters as one of the first direct gateways for distribution between the UK and continental Europe. Claimed as the biggest logistics project in northern France, with a total surface area of 160 hectares, the site is the Turquerie industrial zone, along the Calais-Dunkirk railway line and is strategically placed between Calais Port and the Channel Tunnel. The Calais ... [+]

ACS on the ground in LA

Air Charter Service has opened its second US office in Los Angeles – to complement its established operation in New York. The company already handles many charters on the west coast, and felt that a presence in California was essential to further growth. ACS managing director Tony Bauckham, commented: "A team ... [+]

Happy times in Felixstowe

The Port of Felixstowe formally opened its new deep water shipping terminal on 28 September. The two-berth terminal (8&9) - is the first stage of a £1 billion-plus investment programme - and is currently the only facility in the UK capable of handling the largest container ships currently on order. ... [+]

Felixstowe Manchester link

GB Railfreight is launching a new intermodal service from Felixstowe to Manchester, starting on 30 September. The new service of 22 wagons is a ‘turn up and go’, non-contracted train - customers need no long term commitment to secure space. GBRf now runs six services a day from the Suffolk ... [+]

Truck crime workshops

A series of four workshops on freight crime on Britain’s roads is being held throughout October. Organised by the University of Central Lancashire,and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) they aim to bring together haulage companies, police and other organisations such as insurance companies, community safety partnerships ... [+]

New conference to explore intermodal options

Freight Business Journal is media partner in a new Waterfront Conference Company Interactive Symposium on Intermodal Freight Transport on 11 November. Hosted by specialist legal firm Bircham Dyson Bell's central London offices, it seeks to maximise experience and knowledge in an interactive forum that will inject new thinking into a ... [+]

Maersk goes daily from Far East to Europe

Maersk Line has unveiled a new concept in shipping - a daily service from selected Far East to European ports, including Felixstowe. Rather than advertising specific voyages and services, the line undertakes to get cargo dropped at its four Asian ports – Shanghai, Yantian, Ningbo and Tanjung Pelapas – to ... [+]

Truck toll measure passed

The Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper) approved, on 8 September, the European Parliament's amendments to the new Eurovignette Directive, paving the way for its formal adotpion on 12 September at the General Affairs Council. It will allow EU member states to impose taxes on trucks that take into account the ... [+]

BIFA Awards – get your brown envelopes in now

Guest speaker at the British International Freight Association’s Freight Services Awards 2011 luncheon ceremony on 19 January next year will be broadcaster and author, Christine Hamilton. Wife  of  former Minister Neil Hamilton in John Major's Government of 'Cash for Questions' fame, she is  renowned for her conference and after-dinner speeches. This ... [+]

Palletforce celebrates 10 years of success

PALLETFORCE is celebrating 10 years of success and looking forward to a bright future with their ever-expanding family of members. Palletforce has been boosted by its performance over the past decade and particularly in 2011 when it has enjoyed its best ever turnover and profits. Its 87 shareholder members are similarly ... [+]