January 2012

Emirates adds two more to Africa

Emirates SkyCargo is introducing new passenger flights to Lusaka and Harare on 1 February. It follows launch of a dedicated weekly freighter to Accra and Lome three months ago, giving the carrier a weekly capacity of 6,000 tonnes to the African continent. The Dubai-Lusaka-Harare service will be operated five times a week by an A330-200, providing a total weekly cargo capacity of up to 160 tonnes.   [+]

BA back to Libya

British Airways will resume flights to Tripoli, Libya from 1 May, following completion of a security review. Services were suspended in February 2011. An Airbus A320 will operate three times a week from Heathrow, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and bellyhold cargo capacity will be available.     [+]

More US locos for UK

Atlantic Container Line (ACL) and Peel Ports - Port of Liverpool are to move four more locomotives to deliver four more class 70 GE 'Powerhaul' diesel locomotives to the UK for Freigtliner by the end of February. Two of the four 123-tonne locos have already arrived and another two are ... [+]

Trucker steps up forwarding efforts

Gary Phillips, commercial manager of Cardiff based Rhys Davies Freight Logistics has taken on responsibility for the company's Freight Forwarding Division, with a brief to significantly expand its operations during the next two years. The division, which has existed for over 20 years, offers a range of import and export ... [+]

Lufty flies to Motown

Lufthansa Cargo has introduced weekly MD-11 freighter flights from Frankfurt to Detroit. Departures from Germany are on Mondays and the return flight stops off in New York on the way back to Frankfurt. The service will be expanded to twice-weekly from March, the carrier adds.   [+]

Slow going in Asia, says IRU study

Some 30% of transport time is lost at borders while ‘unofficial payments’ account for 28% of transport costs, according to preliminary findings of the joint IRU- ECO initiative to monitor international trade by road. The results, unveiled at the 173rd meeting of the Council of Permanent Representatives of the Economic ... [+]

BIFA Awards: ‘The best of British forwarding’

Christine Hamilton, wife of former MP Neil Hamilton and self-proclaimed 'battleaxe' helped set the BIFA Freight Service Awards off to a rousing start in London on 19 January. The overall winners of the BIFA Freight Service Awards 2011 are:   Air Freight Award, sponsored by British Airways World Cargo: Woodland Group. Environment Award, sponsored ... [+]

New World Alliance adds service

The New World Alliance is to launch of a third dedicated Trans-Atlantic service between Europe and the UK and the US East Coast and Panama. Port rotationof the AEE service is Manzanillo (Panama), Charleston, New York, Rotterdam, Bremerhaven, Felixstowe , New York, Charleston, and Manzanillo. The Alliance will deploy 3,200teu ... [+]

In the Pink

Katem Logistics has turned one of its trucks bright pink thanks to Katie Davison, who works in the sales department of the Palletforce member company. She wanted to raise money for Cancer Research UK after her aunt Angela Welsh was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. “It has been really well ... [+]

Keswick ventures into Poland

UK private equity group Keswick Enterprises has joined forces with Vector Global Logistics based in Gdynia, Poland, to create a joint venture, Keswick Vector SCM Polska, 52% owned by Keswick Enterprises and 48% by Vector Global Logistics. Keswick Enterprises already has operations in South East Europe - centred on Romania - ... [+]

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