December 2014

ACS promotes California cargo man

Air Charter Service has promoted Los Angeles specialist Thomas Howe to president of its west coast operation. He will now be responsible for the company’s operations in California across both the cargo and passenger divisions. [+]

Rhenus UK’s Michael Gregory retires

Rhenus UK group development director, Michael Gregory will retire on 19 December after 40 years of service. But he will still act as a part-time export consultant to the forwarder in 2015 to ensure a smooth transition after his departure. David Williams, managing director at Rhenus, said: “Although Michael will be ... [+]

We were first to achieve pharma certification, says Cargolux

Following the story on the FBJ website on 18 December, (IAG achieves UK pharma certification ( Cargolux has asked us to point out that, while it congratulates IAG Cargo for its recent GDP certification, it was not the world’s first cargo carrier to be so certified. Cargolux says it became ... [+]

Record week for Eurotunnel freight

Eurotunnel's shuttle service carried a record 36,285 trucks in both direction in the week Monday 8 - Sunday 14 December. The operator said it was the most sustained level of traffic ever seen in one week since the inauguration of Channel Tunnel services in 1994. The 15 truck shuttle trains ... [+]

UPS to buy Polish healthcare specialist

UPS has agreed terms with Poland-based investment fund ORTIE to acquire its pharmaceutical logistics company Poltraf . UPS expects to complete the transaction in the first half of 2015. Terms of the deal are not being disclosed. The acquisition will further strengthen UPS's healthcare expertise in the fast-growing markets of Central ... [+]

New guide to container packing

The Global Shippers’ Forum (GSF) has launched a new guide for shippers: “Working with containers-a keynote guide for managers.” It aims to provide a simple guide to the recently agreed voluntary code of Practice for the Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTU), setting out the main sections of the new ... [+]

Supply chain expert to explore global connections

Chair of the World Economic Council on the Future of Supply Chain Ventures, Dr Don Ratliff will explore Connectivity and the Future of Global Trade and Logistics at Hull University Business School on Thursday 15 January, 2015. Drawing on his work advising the government on the strategies required to consolidate ... [+]

The biggest breakfast

Rhenus Logistics’ Basildon team members are raising a spoon to help feed homeless people at Whitechapel Mission in London. Martin Cleary, regional director south, and Trevor Cridland, Basildon sales manager, will undertake the Breakfast Challenge at the east London based charity on 22 December, where they will prepare and cook breakfast ... [+]

Forwarders ‘may be liable for dodgy goods’

Freight forwarders carrying out ‘pick and pack’ operations could be at risk if they distribute products for non-EU manufacturers that subsequently are found to have safety issues, warns BIFA in its latest newsletter and quoting a press release by Pysdens Solicitors. Trading Standards Authorities could pursue a UK forwarder if they ... [+]

CH Robinson sets up oil & gas arm

US-owned C.H. Robinson has created an Oil and Gas Solutions arm “to change how the industry views the global supply chain.” It unites the company’s global network, which has worked with oil and gas companies for over 20 years, with Navisphere supply chain technology tomanage spend, change, risk, and improve ... [+]

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