April 2016

Alarm bells over French double-manning rules

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has raised concerns about the new French interpretation of the driver’s hours rules that would prevent second drivers from taking statutory breaks on board a moving vehicle. This would render ‘double manning’ useless, it warns. The reported penalties would be up to €17,000, it adds.   [+]

EU Commission hails UCC

EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici, has welcomed introduction of the Union Customs Code on 1 May, saying that it would “open the door to new state-of-the-art IT systems that will provide fast and quality data on goods being traded and will allow extremely ... [+]

Brussels clears CMA CGM-NOL takeover

The European Commission has cleared CMA CGM’s acquisition of Neptune Oriental Lines, conditional upon NOL leaving the G6 liner shipping alliance. Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said it would ensure that the takeover will not lead to price increases for customers. CMA CGM is a founding member of ... [+]

Forwarders left carrying the can in customs clampdown

The British International Freight Association (BIFA) notes that HMRC is placing more emphasis on compliance, with stricter enforcement the inevitable outcome. VAT fraud is a particular concern is VAT fraud and the forthcoming Union Customs Code (UCC from 1 May includes legislation that can be used to tighten up certain regimes. BIFA ... [+]

China OKs FedEx-TNT deal

FedEx and TNT Express have gained unconditional approval from China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) for their merger. With one of the last obstacles overcome, the two express companies say that they have fulfilled all the requirements for competition clearance for the deal to go ahead, the authorities in Brazil, Europe ... [+]

UK truck levy discriminates, says Brussels

The European Commission is threatening to take Britain to the European Court of Justice over its HGV road user levy, which it says discriminates against foreign operators. Under the scheme, introduced two years ago, all lorries are charged up to £10 a day to use the roads but UK operators ... [+]

Pedalling against Alzheimer’s

An AV Dawson team led managing director Gary Dawson AV Dawson are nursing sore limbs after completing a coast-to-coast bike ride to raise £4,500 in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease. The 15-strong group from the Teesside logistics firm also wore the Save Our Steel campaign logo on their arms throughout the ... [+]

IAG puts pharma under spotlight

IAG Cargo has published the second of its ‘talking head’ videos. Global head of pharmaceuticals and life sciences, Alan Dorling, discusses the logistics of biopharmaceuticals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fFnNjKAIBo     [+]

ERP – the great debate

Software firm AEB has published a white paper, ERP vs best-of-breed software in global trade and logistics available free at www.aeb.com/uk/media/white-paper-erp-vs-best-of-breed-software.php. ERP systems are the backbone of nearly every business of a certain size but their level of satisfaction, varies widely depending on where the system is being used. The ... [+]

Fulfilment houses – make your views known

The United Kingdom Warehousing Association (UKWA) is consulting with the Government on plans for a ‘register for fulfilment houses’. It is asking its members and other companies who might be affected to visit its website  to download HMRC’s consultation document and pass on any comments or concerns they may have. The ... [+]