December 2018

Turkish Cargo organises for IATA CEIV Pharma Workshop

Providing service to 124 countries around the world as one of the fastest growing air cargo brands, Turkish Cargo organised a special event titled 'Turkish Cargo & IATA CEIV Pharma Workshop’ for the leading pharmaceutical companies, officials from IATA, agents and business partners. Addressing the dedicated solutions and organized with the aim of developing new perspectives to add value to the industry, the event started with the presentation titled "Center of ... [+]

EU publishes no-deal Brexit plans

The European Commission published contingency plans in the event of a no deal Brexit published by the European Commission on 19 December. They included a nine-month permit free period for road haulage and measures to allow UK airlines to operate in and out of the EU, but not within it. ... [+]

Planners suffer freight ‘freight blindness’ says infrastructure report

Government and local authorities are suffering from ‘freight blindness’ with little understanding of why and how to plan for the sector and leaving its needs of far down the priority list, says the National Infrastructure Commission’s interim report into the Future of Freight, published on 21 December. Planners are unable ... [+]

Updated: Shipping groups call for five more years for consortia

Shipping groups call of five more years for consortia Four trade associations representing the international liner shipping industry have urged the European Commission to continue the Consortia block exemption which allows container alliances to operate. The World Shipping Council (WSC), the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), the International Chamber of Shipping ... [+]

Maersk feeder moves from Immingham to Hull

Maersk Line is to move its BG Freight-operated Humberside/Rotterdam feeder service from ABP Immingham to ABP Hull. It says the move will improve accessibility for local shippers and offering convenient connections with deepsea services. The service will call at Rotterdam on Tuesday-Wednesday with a Saturday arrival and departure in Hull. Maersk’s ... [+]

Southampton and London Gateway calls for THE Alliance

THE Alliance - Hapag-Lloyd, Ocean Network Express, and Yang Ming – has revealed details of its planned schedules for 2019, subject to regulatory approvals. The FE1 service from Japan and Singapore will call at Southampton as will the FE2 service from Korea, China and Singapore, FE4 from Ningbo and Shanghai ... [+]

MSC moves to combat congestion

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company is revising its East-West services between Asia and Europe to counter the effects of congestion at main ports. Schedules will include longer time buffers and it will phase in additional vessels. Implementation of the new network is planned for early March 2019. [+]

APL appoints Ethiopia’s Champion

APL Logistics has appointed Champion Shipping as its local partner to support domestic logistics, international freight forwarding and associated services in Ethiopia. [+]

Immigration White Paper disappoints

The Freight Transport Association said that the Government’s White Paper on immigration after Brexit, published on 19 December “ignores the very real needs and concerns of the logistics industry, which supports every facet of the UK economy.” Head of skills campaigns, Sally Gilson, said: “With skills shortages already being experienced among ... [+]

MAIB investigates European Causeway incident

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) is investigating an incident in which several lorries broke free on board the P&O European Causeway between Larne and Cairnryan in the early hours of Tuesday morning (18 December). The cargo shifted during “extreme” weather conditions, leading to several lorries toppling onto their sides ... [+]