September 2019

More helpful folk for ASM

Freight software specialist ASM has recruited Feonna Collins and Kara Coakley to its helpdesk department, bringing the team to a total of ten. They both have a background in freight forwarding. [+]

Dunkerque steps up security

Port of Dunkerque has inaugurated a secure access corridor for heavy goods vehicles waiting to check in at the terminal. It has also introduced a drone-monitored Perimeter Fence Surveillance System and is the first system in Europe licensed to fly drones over private sites out of direct sight of the ... [+]

P&O signs up for next generation of Channel ferries

P&O Ferries has signed a €260 million contract with Guangzhou Shipyard International for two 230-metre ferries – the largest ever to sail between Dover and Calais – to go into operation by 2023, with options to build two further vessels by 2024. They will cut fuel use by 40% through a ... [+]

Richard Hogg to lead Unsworth

Consolidator Unsworth has appointed Richard Hogg as its new managing director. He will oversee the relaunch of Unsworth’s digital rate platform Cargocost, and a suite of digital tools. A chartered shipbroker, he has worked alongside his brother Charles, with particular focus on finance, technology and human resources.   [+]

FTA holds free Brexit workshops for hauliers

The Freight Transport Association is to hold free half-day workshops in September and October to help hauliers prepare for a No Deal Brexit, funded by the Department for Transport. More than 100 free workshops will take place at locations across the UK, including Belfast, London and Coventry. For more information, ... [+]

Govt designates four more CITES ports

The government has designated four further ports for movement of protected animals and plants in the event of a ‘no deal’ EU exit - Belfast Seaport, Dover, Eurotunnel and Holyhead. In the event of a no-deal Brexit, anyone wishing to move such specimins between the UK and the EU will ... [+]

Union stages protest over Brexit driver’s hours plans

Truck driver members of the Unite union staged a protest at the Department of Transport on 17 September over reports that the government will relax or suspend the drivers’ hours rules in the event of a no deal Brexit. It says that the government has not denied that it will suspend ... [+]

Summary decs needed for deepsea cargo after Brexit, says ONE

Cargo loaded in UK ports or prior EU ports and remaining on board the vessel while calling at in the UK will require an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) to be filed in advance of the vessel’s entry into the EU after Brexit, reports container operator Ocean Network Express (ONE). The ... [+]

Containerships ups UK sailings

Short sea operator Containerships is promising improved UK services as part of its new sailing schedule. There will be enhanced frequency and reduced transit time from the Baltic States to Great Britain and Continental Europe; five weekly sailings from Poland to Great Britain with perfect spread, ensuring most competitive transit ... [+]

Union Tank offers ferry service

Equipment leasing firm Union Tank Eckstein (UTA) has launched a ferry booking service, in partnership with UK-based specialist Freightlink. The new online platform offers 750 connections in more than 50 countries on over 40 ferry companies  including Calais/Dover, Hoek van Holland/Harwich and between Rostock (Germany)/Gedser (Denmark). [+]