May 2020

WFS and Qatar race PPE to French hospitals

Handler Worldwide Flight Services’ (WFS) cargo handling team in Paris has worked tirelessly to process PPE shipments delivered by Qatar Airways Cargo to hospitals across France during the covid outbreak. Qatar Airways has been one of the main airlines carrying supplies of medical equipment to France, including surgical gloves, face masks, aprons and medical kits. So far, WFS has handled 12 Boeing 777X freighter flights operated by the airline, including ... [+]

DHL upgrades freight platform

DHL has redesigned the user interface of its Saloodo! digital freight platform to make it more intuitive, faster and efficient. The new design guides clients step-by-step through the transport request process, making makes it easier and faster to create their transport order. It is also now possible to specify special ... [+]

Freight breathes sigh of relief over quarantine rules – updated

The Freight Transport Association welcomed the government’s intention to exempt truck drivers and freight transport workers from the new quarantine regulations that come into force on 8 June. Other travellers arriving in UK ports and seaports will have to confine themselves to an agreed address for 14 days. The reciprocal quarantine period ... [+]

And then – we shall examine the list…

The British International Freight Association (BIFA) is encouraging its members to ensure that they are included on a list of customs agents and parcel operators being compiled and published by HMRC in preparation for1  January  2021, when customs declarations will be required on goods moving into and out of the ... [+]

Europa offers plain sailing with LeoSea

Europa Air & Sea has launched the first stage of its LeoSea IT solution. It aims to improve efficiency and accuracy, while reducing paperwork. Initially focused on export bookings, it will be rolled out to imports later this year. It took six months to develop by Europa's in-house team working in ... [+]

Davies Turner offers daily Dutch service

Davies Turner has signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with the Dutch subsidiary of the Mainfreight Group. From 1 June, daily overland trailer services will operate between Mainfreight’s hub in ’s-Heerenberg on the Dutch-German border and Davies Turner’s regional distribution hubs at Dartford and Coleshill, offering groupage, along with collection and ... [+]

FTA welcomes Ulster trade plans

The Freight Transport Association has welcomed the government’s approach to the Northern Ireland protocol paper, announced by Michael Gove on 20 May. It described it as “a welcome commitment by the government to the obligations it signed up to in the Northern Ireland protocol and its EU exit deal proposal.” FTA’s ... [+]

Ports report sets out blueprint for Covid recovery

The British Ports Association (BPA) has set out a framework for the future of the sector in an economic recovery plan published on 20 May. It highlights how investment in ports can play a part in the UK’s healing from the Covid crisis, deepest economic shock in living memory. It calls ... [+]

Best from the West

Essex-based Woodland Group is offering an express LCL groupage service from the US West Coast to the UK via Chicago. Door to door transit is from 23 days, up to 30% shorter transit time compared with all water services. Delivery can be into Woodland's Los Angeles facility with transfer to ... [+]

Manston decision on 10 July

The deadline for a decision on whether to grant RiverOak Strategic Partners a Development Consent Order (DCO) to build a cargo terminal at the closed Manston Airport came has been postponed until 10 July, having already been delayed by four months from January. Stone Hill Park sold the Kent site ... [+]

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