
Feature, Freight News, Sea

EU to fund folding container

[ June 6, 2016   //   ]

Delft-based Holland Container Innovations (HCI) has won a €2.5 million grant from the European Horizon 2020 programme for the 4Fold foldable containers it is developing.

The 4Fold container can be reduced to a quarter of its normal size when empty and is designed to reduce the €25 billion a year spent on the transport of empty boxes and the resultant CO2 emissions.

The idea was conceived by the Delft University of Technology and resulted in the establishment of HCI in 2008. HCI founder, Simon Bosschieter says: “The positioning of empty containers is one of the most complex problems concerning global freight distribution and represents large costs. The cost needs to be reduced (and) there is also an expanding global demand to reduce CO2 emissions.”

He said that HCI would use the grant to accelerate market introduction and mount a large-scale demonstration of the technology.

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