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Hands up who wants to see more women in airfreight

[ March 8, 2021   //   ]

Swiss-based Aviation and logistics consultants Change Horizon and UK freight industry public relations company Meantime Communications have joined forces to promote gender equality in airfreight.

They are calling on businesses, trade associations and individual professionals to sign the Women in Aviation and Logistics Pledge to promote gender equality in the airfreight industry.

“Although the debate on improving gender balance in air cargo has been going on for many years now, there are still too few women in decision-making roles, speaking at, or even attending, industry events,” said Change Horizon founder Céline Hourcade (pictured, right).

“We have outstanding female professionals in this industry and their distinct expert voices must be elevated through gender parity.”

Meantime Communications founder Emma Murray (left), added: “We have been talking about this for far too long, it is time to take action. We want the Pledge to kick-start a movement for change, which will benefit us all, transforming air cargo into the diverse industry it should already be, and encouraging and attracting the next generation of air cargo leaders.”

Anyone signing the pledge or supporting the cause will be invited to join the program, which will kick off with an introductory session at the end of March 2021.,79XLO,3PZ2L7,TI253,1
