
Freight News, IT, Rail, Sea

Pledge to monitor Southampton emissions

[ August 6, 2024   //   ]

Dubai-owned ports and logistics firm DP World is to use Pledge software to measure the impact of its Modal Shift Programme that incentivises cargo owners to switch from road to rail at Southampton.

The MSP is credited with reversing a 10% fall in rail traffic at the port in 2013-23, increasing its hsare from 21% to 30 and removing 6,400 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) in its first six months of operation.

The Pledge Platform works out how many kilos of CO2e are saved for every consignment using the cargo’s weight, origin and destination locations, the type and characteristics of the vehicle used, road characteristics and elevation levels to establish the road-based carbon footprint for each journey. The footprint for a rail-based journey, with trucks only used for the ‘last mile’, is also established, and the difference between the two figures is the carbon emission savings made.

CO2e figures calculated by the Pledge platform and the modelling it employs are accredited by the Smart Freight Centre, a global non-profit organisation for climate action in the sector, that they conform with the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework for measuring transport and logistics emissions.

Pledge co-founder and CEO, David de Picciotto, said: “Understanding and quantifying emissions is a requirement for global businesses and the vital first step towards reducing them. We hope that what is happening in Southampton will inspire ports and other transit hubs worldwide to emulate its success in tackling some of the key challenges of the climate crisis.”

DP World vice president UK commercial and supply chain, added: “The MSP has allowed our customers to explore how rail can be effectively utilised to achieve lower carbon for international supply chains serving the UK economy. Due to the scale and originality of the programme, we wanted to make sure that we worked with a trusted independent third party to calculate the carbon savings from the programme.”

“Pledge was willing to work closely with us to understand the considerations of the programme and was able to optimise its system for our requirements. The solution is user friendly and easy to use for mass journey calculations.”
