
Freight News, Sea

Collision claims lives in North Sea

[ December 6, 2012   //   ]

A collision in the North Sea between a BG Freight Line container feeder ship and a car carrier chartered to UECC on Wednesday 5 December was feared to have resulted in the deaths of 11 seamen on the latter vessel. Five bodies from the car carrier, the Baltic Ace, have been recovered so far and hopes are fading for the remaining six crew members are fading in the freezing conditions. Another 13 members of the Baltic Ace crew were rescued and there were no casualties on the BG vessel, the Corvus J, which was damaged but remained afloat The Corvus J was operating a BG feeder leg from Grangemouth to Antwerp while the car carrier, the Baltic Ace  was en route from Zeebrugge to Kotka in Finland, chartered to UECC and with over 1400 new cars on board, according to press reports.


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