Freight News, Sea

RBS cash for Teesside education charity

[ January 24, 2014   //   ]

Royal Bank of Scotland is donating £50,000 to The High Tide Foundation, a charity created and driven by port-related businesses to provide opportunities for the young people of Teesside. As well as funding, RBS will also provide in-kind resources to a number of the charity’s programmes, including its Summer Scheme, which offers school leavers a two-week work experience placement with businesses in and around Teesport.

Kevin Shakesheff, boss of Teesport-based Casper Shipping, and High Tide’s chairman said:  “This really is wonderful news.  The support from RBS will make a massive difference to our work to improve opportunities for young people in this area.  We are very grateful indeed for their generosity.”


Photo caption: John Dryden, RBS’s North East regional director meets High Tide chairman Kevin Shakesheff and students from High Tide’s first after school Cadet programme.


High Tide Cadets resized

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