
Feature, Freight News, Logistics, Road

A Model T for the 21st Century

[ April 25, 2022   //   ]

Europa Road has introduced five new Renault T range trucks to its 50-strong fleet as part of its drive to improve driver comfort.

Operations director Dan Cook, said the move was in response to the expansion of the full and part load unaccompanied business and an increase in in-house port haulage. He explained: “This means a change to the traditional Europa UK haulage model, where the day starts and finishes at Dartford, and an increase in ‘tramping,’ meaning the vehicle and driver are away from base for several days at a time.”

The new high-spec Renaults would ensure higher levels of comfort and facilities for drivers, he said. The cab incorporates features such as a microwave, a fridge, and an inverter allowing drivers to plug in other home comforts without issue.

There is also extra storage capacity for food and personal items. Five similar trucks are due to join the fleet in May, as part of an ongoing replacement strategy to renew the whole artic fleet over the next two years.
