Air, Freight News

Airfreight DG pilot gets underway

[ March 21, 2018   //   ]

Lufthansa Cargo has started the proof of concept phase of a project to manage the IATA Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD) electronically.

The aim is for shippers, forwarders and carriers to manage transport of such cargoes without paper documentation and follows the creation of an electronic DGD standard in early 2017 by Lufthansa Cargo, Air France, Swiss WorldCargo and Cargologic and facilitated by IATA.

The Proof of Concept phase will take place in Frankfurt, Paris and Zürich. In Frankfurt, platform operator Dakosy has implemented an Infr8-eDGD eDGD platform.

The aim is to improve collaboration between all stakeholders and increase transparency and traceability.

Lufthansa vice president global handling Dr Jan-Wilhelm Breithaupt said: “Only when all stakeholders of the supply chain find benefits in the solution, will digitization be successful on such a large scale. This was taken into account for the eDGD standard, and we´re happy to perform the pilot project with industry partners in our hub in Frankfurt.”

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