Freight News, Sea

APM North America offers critical cargo service

[ March 30, 2020   //   ]

APM Terminals in North America and the Virginia Port Authority is offering a COVID-19 critical cargo handling service at its facilities in Port Elizabeth, South Florida Container Terminal, Mobile, Los Angeles, and Lazaro Cardenas (Mexico).
Qualifying shipments include COVID-19 test kits, medical ventilators and respirators, personal protective equipment (PPE), hand sanitizer, raw materials going into PPE production, and other medical cargoes, to be mutually agreed upon by the port and ocean carrier.
Carriers are requested to ensure all priority critical containers are block stowed on deck with IPI rail cargo as this is traditionally some of the 1st cargo discharged off a vessel and stowed with two bays of separation. They also need to provide information including vessel name, bill of lading and, container number(s) along with commodity type and detailed description of the cargo.
For further details see:
