
Feature, Freight News, Sea

Belfast on track for Net Zero by end of decade

[ August 19, 2024   //   ]

Belfast Harbour cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 18% in 2023 and is expected to reach Net-Zero in its direct operations well ahead of its 2030 target.

Northern Ireland’s largest port launched its first Environmental, Social and Governance  report on 5 August, stating that against the baseline year of 2015, it has achieved a 57% reduction in GHG emissions and in 2023 alone, reduced its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 18%.  A further 40% reduction is projected for 2024. This has been achieved through a range of initiatives, including the introduction of new electric vehicles across its fleet and the increased use of low carbon alternative fuels including hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) in its pilot boats and plant machinery.
