Business, Forwarding, Freight News

BIFA welcomes customs funding

[ December 19, 2018   //   ]

BIFA has welcomed the one-off £8 million funding scheme for customs intermediaries and traders, details of which were announced recently.
Director general Robert Keen, said: “During our meetings with both HM Treasury and HMRC, BIFA highlighted the concerns of our members regarding the capability of the Customs brokerage sector to increase capacity, at a time when that sector already faces a shortage of staff of suitable quality.
“We emphasised that it could take up to a year to train staff to be fully conversant to prepare a range of basic Customs declarations, even if there was a sufficient number of trainers to train those staff, as well as relevant courses for them to attend. So the news of this funding is very welcome.”
BIFA is encouraging those who believe they might benefit to apply early pointing out that the official closing date for applications is 5 April 2019, or earlier once all the funding is allocated.
