
Business, Freight News, Logistics, Sea

Brussels looks into greener barges

[ June 8, 2012   //   ]

The European Commission is expected to present a legislative proposal on inland waterway transport emissions next year, according to a working document drawn up by the Commission’s services on the preparation of a programme for the promotion of inland waterway transport in Europe.

Although seen as a ‘green’ mode of transport, especially in terms of carbon emissions, it has been losing ground compared in the last few years with regard to other emissions, such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter and, at the current rate, emissions from trucks could be lower for road transport by 2020 thanks to improvements in road transport technology.

There are currently few incentives to waterway operators to adopt new technology. The Commission will most likely start by drawing up stricter maximum emission values for new barges but might target the existing fleet later.

A group of experts on the reduction of inland waterway transport emissions will also be set up.

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