Freight News, Logistics
Calling all supply chain professionals
[ July 29, 2015 // Chris ]Specialist software company AEB and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University are inviting supply chain professionals to take part in the survey for the third edition of their Global Trade Management Agenda.
The aim is to bring greater understanding to cross-enterprise collaboration and illustrate how it is being practiced in the business world today. It will also examine the overall risks and opportunities inherent in supply chain collaboration, the limitations that businesses experience, and how successful implementation is defined. The study also focuses on: What will be the top issues overall in global trade and logistics in the coming year? How important are goals such as cost reduction, legal protection and shorter lead times? And how well positioned do businesses see themselves in these areas?
Logistics managers, supply chain professionals and everyone working in the fields of customs and exports in companies of any size and sector are invited to complete the online questionnaire by 10 September 2015. All participants will receive a copy of the study (due to be published at the end of the year) and automatically take part in a raffle to win one of several prizes, including a smartwatch and business-themed audio books.
Tags: AEB