Freight News

Ceva launches China-Chicago freighter

In serving its customers with consistent, reliable air capacity on key trade lanes, Ceva Logistics has launched a three flights a week trans-Pacific charter program from Wuxi, China to Chicago. The inaugural service departed from Wuxi to Chicago on 28 March, carrying more than 100 tons of cargo. Ceva is also offering customers sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) options through its suite of low carbon transport and circular economy solutions. The logistics company has ... [+]

Air Charter Service opens in Montreal

Air Charter Service has opened its doors in Montreal, Quebec, its second office in Canada and 36th worldwide. The broker already has an operation in Toronto. The Montreal office will be headed by Adila Djerrar, who joined ACS more than three years ago. Chief executive of ... [+]

ELO, ELO – French postpone Enveloppe Logistique Obligatoire

The French authorities are to defer introduction of the new version of the Enveloppe Logistique Obligatoire (Obligatory Logistics Envelope), originally scheduled for 1 April. A new introduction date has not yet been announced, but the delay is likely to be only for a few weeks, ... [+]

Three new members for Rhenus board

The Rhenus Group has appointed three new members to its management Board. They are Dr Joana Bätz will be responsible for Human Resources, Sustainability and Compliance, Jan Harnisch for Air and Ocean and Dr Marcus Ewig for Automotive as well as Procurement, Health and Safety ... [+]

Easier on-carriage with new Hapag-Lloyd tool

Hapag-Lloyd is offering an online tool to simplify inland transportation: The On-Carriage Instructions tool is described as an intuitive web form, allowing users to submit all required information for on-carriage delivery in a structured and guided process, reducing errors and saving time. Shippers enter a ... [+]

No need to expect the unexpected with new UPS duty-paid service

UPS has launched a Global Checkout service to help consumers avoid unexpected bills for unpaid import costs. It guarantees the amount online shoppers pay in duties, fees and taxes. UPS says it is the only global integrated carrier to offer a guaranteed landed cost solution for ... [+]

ACS fundraising hits new heights

Air Charter Service offices worldwide raised more than $200,000 for a variety of charities around the globe - the most the UK-based broker has ever managed in one year. The cash came through an array of challenges, volunteering, raffles and more including 5km races, half ... [+]

DHL moves Florida-bred bongos to new life in Kenya

DHL Express has moved 17 mountain bongo antelopes from the US to Kenya for animal charity Tusk. The critically endangered animals came from the Rare Species Conservatory Foundation in Florida to a sanctuary on the slopes of Mount Kenya, run by the Meru Bongo and Rhino ... [+]

Ending de minimuis is bad for global business, says e-commerce expert

Ending of US de minimis exemptions for imports from China could cause far greater disruption than any tariff hikes imposed by the Trump administration, says David Taylor, director of operations at e-commerce specialist, Mark 3 International. De minimis thresholds are set by each country and imported ... [+]

Aramex extends child charity scheme

Freight forwarder Aramex UK has extended its charity partnership with retailer Childrensalon to ensure donations are able to reach those who need them most anywhere in the world. Through Aramex’s logistical expertise, Childrensalon has been able to support over 45 charitable projects around the world since ... [+]