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CCS-UK ready for CDS import decs

[ October 28, 2021   //   ]

The CCS-UK cargo community system is now ready to process CDS import declarations for all UK users.

CCS-UK User group project director Guy Thompson said: “CCS-UK is now in a position to open the door for all UK users to try import declarations on CDS using our system. With a cutover deadline for Imports of next September, this will provide ample time for users to familiarise themselves with the new functionality.

“We believe that users should start to make import declarations to CDS as soon as possible, and gain experience now, rather than leaving it to the last minute and running the risk of problems. They should be asking their software providers when their systems will be able to support CDS through CCS-UK.”

CCS-UK is also working on exports functionality alongside HMRC and will introduce this early next year. Guy Thompson adds: “Experience of CDS import declarations gained now will better prepare users to switch their export declarations to CDS.”

HMRC will reduce its CHIEF services in two phases. From 30 September 2022, users will no longer be able to make import declarations using CHIEF. Then, from 31 March 2023, they will no longer be able to make export declarations using CHIEF and the National Export System (NES).

CCS-UK was the first of all the UK Community Service Providers to handle CDS live inventory-linked declarations, helping its Northern Ireland users meet the requirements of the NI Protocol in time for 1 January 2021.

Software providers who have undergone CDS testing with CCS-UK, and have customers wishing to be enabled for the CDS imports service, should contact CCS-UK to have their customers’ badges suitably re-configured. Initial contact should be via the CCS-UK helpdesk (
