Air, Freight News

CEVA leads the no-paper chase

[ November 25, 2014   //   ]

Freight forwarder CEVA Logistics says it has reached 20.4% e-AWB penetration across its global business, making it one of the leaders in paperless airfreight. In September 2014, CEVA also achieved the fastest e-AWB growth of any logistics company.

CEVA signed the IATA multilateral agreement for the use of electronic Air Waybills in summer 2013. This laid the legal ground, by replacing the terms and conditions printed on the paper AWB.

It then focused on making its operational systems e-AWB capable, so that electronic AWB messages to carriers were fully reflective of what had previously been printed on the paper AWB. CEVA is now rolling out e-AWB globally, with those carriers which support it, following a successful initial pilot in New York, Atlanta, London and Frankfurt.

CEVA vice president, global air operations and compliance, Peter Baumgartner adds that with many stations yet to cut-over to full eAWB usage before the end of the year, CEVA is well on target to meet the IATA target of 22% e-AWB by the end of 2014.

He said: “eAWB is a first step to efreight – a paperless airfreight environment which will enhance efficiency, accuracy and speed of processing and at the same time reduce our environmental impact  through considerably less use of paper. We are fully behind the drive towards the electronic exchange of data and messages and we will continue to lead the way during 2015,” he adds.

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