
Business, Freight News, IT, Logistics

CMA CGM seeks startup entrepreneurs

[ September 16, 2024   //   ]

CMA CGM has launched Startup Awards for new companies in maritime transport, logistics, and media, in collaboration with BFM Business and La Tribune.

Entrepreneurs worldwide in these three sectors are invited to apply via the website of ZEBOX, the international accelerator initiated by CMA CGM group chairman, Rodolphe Saadé. Winners will receive funding, media exposure through CMA Media, tailored support, and collaboration opportunities with the Group on strategic projects.

In each of sector, the CMA CGM Group will select the best startup, with clear industry transformation objectives focused on environmental performance, competitiveness, and quality of life at work. It will pay particular attention to the entrepreneurial team and possible synergies with the Group’s strategic areas.

Three winners will receive assistance with their communication and partnership strategies and financial support of up to €150,000 each.They will be selected during a final event on November 15 at the Orange Vélodrome Stadium in Marseille, during the 2nd Artificial Intelligence Marseille (AIM) forum organized by La Tribune and BFM Business. The selection will be by a jury chaired by Rodolphe Saadé and members of the executive committee representing the various sectors of CMA CGM.

Applications: by 15 October at:
