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Commission has transport vision

[ May 31, 2013   //   ]

The European Commission, Council and Parliament reached agreement on 30 May on a plan to transform the road, rail, airport and canal system into a unified transport network. Commission vice-President responsible for transport Siim Kallas welcomed it as an “historic agreement to create a powerful European transport network across 28 Member States.” It would, he said “replace today’s transport patchwork with a network that is genuinely European” and would boost growth and competitiveness in Europe’s Single Market.

The agreement establishes a core transport network – (TEN-T) -to be established by 2030 to act as the backbone for transportation within the Single Market. Transport financing under the Connecting Europe Facility for 2014–20 will also focus on this core transport network, filling in cross-border missing links, removing bottlenecks and making the network smarter.

For instance, by 2030, member states will have to provide sufficient truck parking on core network roads and alternative clean fuels have to be available at the key nodes of the network. The core railway network will be equipped with the European ERTMS signalling system, for easier cross-border operations.

The new core TEN-T network will be supported by a feeder routes at regional and national level. These will largely be financed by member states, with some EU transport and regional funding . The aim is that, by 2050, the great majority of Europe’s citizens and businesses will be no more than 30 minutes’ travel time from the TEN-T network.


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