Air, Freight News

Dublin’s new runway has sting in the tail

[ August 31, 2022   //   ]

FTA Ireland (FTAI) has welcomed the opening of the new North Runway at Dublin Airport but also warns that it will bring challenges for express freight operators.

It says that recommendations by the Airport Noise Competent Authority (ANCA) has led to the numerical cap on flights permitted between certain hours being replaced with an annual noise quota, which could impact freight services.

FTAI chief executive Aidan Flynn, commented: “While these changes, which include additional night-time flying hours, will add greater flight availability for passengers arriving and departing Dublin Airport, the new regime will create challenges for the express freight integrated service providers. Night flights currently transport around €19 billion worth of imports and exports each year, with cargo night flying supporting €1.1billion in GDP and approximately 15,000 jobs. Following the changes to the way in which night flights are operated at Dublin Airport, it is critical that crucial express freight services are still prioritised for time slots that support intricate and efficient global supply chain links which rely on overnight flight links.” 

Mr Flynn also warned of access challenges: “Express services are located on the west apron at Dublin Airport: the opening of the new runway has blocked the direct access to these terminals and support services, as the West Apron Surface Crossing has been closed. Closure of the direct access to the freight operators’ airside operations will create significant logistics issues that are not easily resolved.”

He said that the previous access to the airport enabled loading and unloading to take place in approximately 10 minutes; the new proposed route along the north perimeter road is 8km long and will take over 30 minutes for each journey. FTAI is calling on Dublin Airport Authority to expedite the development of a promised underpass and review support services, including office accommodation.
