Air, Feature

E-commerce lift-off for cargo carriers

[ November 10, 2020   //   ]

Volga-Dnepr Group says its air cargo carriers – AirBridgeCargo Airlines and ATRAN Airlines – have achieved over three-fold increase in e-commerce volumes for the first nine months of 2020.

Over 75,000 tonnes of dedicated packages with online purchases were delivered globally throughout the carriers’ network of 747 and 737 freighters, with the major contributing trade lanes being Asia-Europe, Asia-North America and Europe-Russia.

Singles’ Day, Cyber Monday, Thanksgiving and Christmas are expected to add to the growing volumes of cross-border international shipments.

While the e-commerce sector has been strong for several years, the number of cross-border shipments has skyrocketed in 2020 due to the pandemic situation, additional demand for high-tech products to equip ‘work-from-home’ environment, expansion of online solutions from brick and mortar retailers, and improvement of overall online shopping experience.

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