Business, Freight News, Logistics

East-West, E20’s best

[ July 25, 2012   //   ]

The Logistics Institute at Hull University Business School is holding a conference on the untapped potential of the E20 East-West route from Limerick to St Petersburg on 12 and 13 September. The 1,880km route is largely underutilised as most trade traditionally travels north to south in Europe. But with the expansion of the EU into the Baltic States and a market in excess of 22million people, this major European trading route holds huge potential for business.

Professor David Grant, Director of the Logistics Institute, said: “The economic opportunities that exist along the E20 route are substantial and this huge market should not be ignored by business. This conference will bring together a packed programme of high-profile speakers and international business experts who will assist delegates in finding out about the most effective ways to expand into neighbouring markets. The conference will encourage business to business engagement in this region and develop new markets, as well as encouraging collaboration between academic institutions along the route.”

The event is produced in partnership with Hull University Business School, Hull City Council, UKTI, World Trade Centre Hull and Humber; and forms part of a campaign by northern-based consultants Nigel Grizzard and Martin Venning to champion the route.

To book or for further information, visit

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