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Europa gets Brexit-ready

[ February 21, 2019   //   ]

Europa Worldwide Group has invested £2 million in reconfiguring its main ‘1Hub’ in Dartford to prepare for Brexit.
The work focuses on the European Road transit hub including a staged expansion of the racking and an extension of the transit zone, creating 75 per cent more racked transit space.
The development was already part of the leading logistics supplier’s long-term strategy to expand the site as the company experienced growth, but with Brexit fast approaching, the work has been advanced.
Operations director, Dan Cook, comments: “When we originally designed the building in 2015, we included plans to expand the site. Due to the current political situation, we’ve now decided to speed up the re-development, specifically of the European transit hub area, to ensure we can continue to deliver an efficient, quality service for our customers.”
“The strategy to expand capacity at our 1Hub facility will create more space for freight that may become slowed down by the clearance process and also provide security against gridlock of volume post Brexit. It is just one of the many ways in which we are preparing for all possible outcomes.”
