Air, Feature, Freight News
Flying dragon
[ October 8, 2014 // Chris ]Charter broker Air Partner and Ruslan International have flown a gigantic mechanical Horse Dragon to Beijing. Long Ma Jing Shen or ‘The Spirit of the Horse Dragon’ will participate in a Chinese parade to mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China on 17-19 October.
The 12 metre high, 46 tonne mechanical model, which needs at least eight human operators to control its movements built in France, took off from Nantes in France on an Antonov 124. The celebration parade will take place in Beijing in October.
Thierry Zemouli, from Air Partner’s French office, commented: “The Antonov 124 was perfect for transporting Long Ma Shin as its doors open to 6.4m x 4.4m making it ideal for this enormous and unique animal. We are looking forward to seeing the spectacular machine in the celebration parade.”
Tags: Air Partner, Ruslan