Business, Freight News, Logistics, Road

FTA Ireland calls for Brexit support

[ September 8, 2017   //   ]


The Freight Transport Association of Ireland (FTAI) called for Government support and assistance to help it stay viable after Brexit in its pre-Budget submission to the Minister for Finance, published on 8 September.

FTAI general manager Aidan Flynnsaid that Budget 2018 would be a defining moment in preparations for the post-Brexit world, particularly for the transport and logistics sector, “which has always been under-funded and over-taxed”.

FTAI wants funding for research projects to map out the future requirements of the transport and logistics industry, encompassing scenario planning and mapping for a hard Brexit. Significantly more funds than in previous budgets should be made available to invest in road maintenance.

FTAI would also like the Government to consider experimenting with a ‘toll holiday’ for HGVs at two keys points in the calendar year, Easter and Christmas; in 2013 a ‘toll holiday’ was trialled and proved very successful in moving HGV traffic onto tolled motorways.

FTAI also called for a Minister for Logistics, along with tax relief for transport and logistics companies that take on apprentices. The sector is currently facing a skills shortage and will be faced with severe competitive issues.

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