
Freight News, Logistics

Future of Parliament freight group hangs in the balance

[ April 25, 2017   //   ]

Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Freight Transport, Rob Flello MP is warning that he faces an uphil struggle to get re-elected in the coming general election on 8 June – which could in turn threaten the future of the group.

He says that while he hopes that it can be reformed in the next Parliament, the odds are “heavily stacked against me and with only a small Parliamentary majority in my Stoke-on-Trent South constituency, I am going to have an extremely tough fight to be returned to the House of Commons.”

I hope you would agree that I have been a fierce advocate for all things freight, and if I may blow my own trumpet for one moment, I doubt any MP elected on 8 June will be able or willing to take my place to the same extent.”

He is appealing for help with leafleting or other work in the coming election campaign.
