Business, Freight News, Logistics

Gefco in Bulgaria

[ May 25, 2012   //   ]

GEFCO Group has set up a new subsidiary in Sofia, . The new subsidiary, led by Aleksander Raczynski, is already delivering a broad range of services for the automotive and other industries and has opened an automotive centre in Lozen, south-east of Sofia, where vehicles are grouped together before being distributed.

GEFCO Bulgaria signed its first contract with Sofia France Auto (SFA), Peugeot’s official Bulgarian importer and is the exclusive logistics partner for the distribution of vehicles managed by SFA in the domestic market.

The Bulgarian subsidiary also began operating new flows from Europe in January 2012, in particular from Marckolsheim and Blyes in France, from Kolin in the Czech Republic, from Trnava in Slovakia, from Atessa in Italy and Izmit in Turkey.

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