Air, Business, Logistics
Group calls for security standardisation
[ March 5, 2012 // Chris ]The Global Air Cargo Advisory Group (GACAG) has called for a standard Consignment Security Declaration for air cargo shipments. It is recommending that international organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), World Customs Organization (WCO) as well as national regulators adopt the declaration and include it in their guidance.
Wherever possible, the Declaration should be submitted electronically. GACAG said it noted and supports the work of a joint industry/government working group that developed an electronic version which has been adopted as IATA Recommended Practice 1630.
Information to be included in the declaration should be limited to critical elements, namely identification of who has secured the cargo, declared it secure, and ensured its integrity has been maintained for loading onto the aircraft; information on the content of the consignment such as the unique consignment identification and the cargo description or an indication of consolidation if any; information on the cargo’s security status for example whether it can it be loaded on passenger aircraft or is high risk cargo and the reasons why the security status was issued. It may also include the means of screening deployed; the name of the authorized person who issued the security status, or an equivalent identification; and country specific textual requirements ensuring that operators are complying with rules issued in certain circumstances.
Further information is available at:
Tags: Airfreight, GACAG, Global Air Cargo Advisory Group, ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization