Air, Feature, Freight News

Model citizens

[ July 13, 2017   //   ]

A group of youngsters have been taking part in the Payload Challenge, sponsored by British-based carrier CargoLogicAir and the Royal Aeronautical Society.

Organised by the British Model Flying Association (BMFA at the National Flying Centre in Lincolnshire, teams ranging from under-17s to air cadets were tasked with designing, building and launching their own model aircraft in a series of three challenges based on distance, quantity and weight.

Professional radio control pilots were called in to actually fly the aircraft. Each team faced an evaluation by a panel of judges, which included CargoLogic’s lead engineer, Aleksey Matyukhin.

He said: “I was honoured to be part of the event and extremely impressed by the excellent solutions created by such young minds. Innovation is at the heart of CLA’s business strategy and it was clearly evident in the design of each team’s aircraft models.”
