Feature, Freight News, Sea
New link between Humber and east Sweden (updated)
[ December 31, 2014 // Chris ]Baltic Euro Lines will offer a new liner service between East Coast Sweden, Northern Holland and the Humber from the New Year. A joint venture by Norwegian shipping companies, Seafront Maritime and Kopervik-based Northwest Ship Management, the service will commence operation with one multi-purpose side-port vessel, MV Skog,
with a cargo capacity of about 4,100 tonnes. It will serve Oxelösund on Sweden’s east coast, Eemshaven in Northern Holland and Immingham (ABP terminal) and Hull (Albert Dock), with both UK ports served on each voyage.
Baltic Euro Lines managing director, Jan Rune Loevlie, commented: “We established the fortnightly service to fill a gap we see in the market for predominantly industrial type cargoes between Sweden, Holland and the Humber. Our side-port vessel gives us tremendous flexibility to accommodate loose on board goods, out of gauge cargoes and containers of all types.”
The multipurpose vessel will have capacity for containers, forest products and palletised goods through its side-port and deck space for larger cargoes.
Liner operation and commercial activity will be managed from Kristiansand with support being provided from Northwest Ship Management and Baltic Euro Lines UK, hosted by Grimsby based Seafront Logistics Ltd, part of Seafront Group AS. The line will have local representation at the ports of Oxelösund and Eemshaven.
With sister ships available in the operator’s fleet, the service could readily be expanded to weekly, added a spokesman for Baltic Euro Lines UK.
Tags: Baltic Euro Lines