Air, Freight News

New medicine box for ABC airlines

[ April 9, 2019   //   ]

AirBridgeCargo Airlines has signed a leasing deal for Sonoco ThermoSafe’s PharmaPort 360 temperature-controlled containers.

It will bolster the carrier’s delivery options for temperature-sensitive shipments and guarantee a broader choice of containers for pharmaceutical consignments.

The PharmaPort 360 safely maintains the required temperature in various ambient temperatures from 60°C to -40°C and can be loaded onto standard air cargo pallets. It also has built-in GPS tracking and GPS monitoring.

ABC’s deputy director of products, Fedor Novikov, said: “We can guarantee another much-needed air freight solution for pharmaceutical goods with precise temperature mode conditions and requirements to maintain an internal environment of 5°C. This is a quantum leap for our dedicated product, and we expect it to ramp up our volumes, as well as to gain interest in our services from new customers.”




Sonoco ThermoSafe director of business development and innovation ,Christopher Day and ABC’s global director, pharma, Yulia Celetari

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