Feature, Forwarding, Freight News, Logistics, Road
Next stop Helsinki
[ September 28, 2018 // Chris ]Europa Road has set up a dedicated Nordic Hub in Leeds to better serve Northern UK customers for its services to Scandinavia and Finland. It offers direct services via Immingham and Hull to Oslo, Gothenburg, Aarhus, Copenhagen and Helsinki.
Sales director, Dionne Redpath (pictured, with managing director, Andrew Baxter), said: “The Nordic Hub has been developed to provide competitive, local collection and consolidation in a centrally-located platform. New daily lines will bring all of the benefits customers have come to expect from Europa, both in terms of quality of service but also reliability service – if it misses today’s departure it will be catch the next.”
The Nordic Hub will mirror Europa’s Dartford hub, using the Leonardo system to offer full track and trace services.
Jason Reek becomes market manager for the new service, supported by new recruit Paul Homiak.
Tags: Europa