
Business, Freight News, Logistics, Sea

One year on, Humber Freeport wins £1bn investment

[ August 5, 2024   //   ]

Humber Freeport says that over £1bn of new investment has been pledged 12 months on from its launch.

Investments committed to tax sites in Hull and Goole are expected to create more than 700 skilled jobs, in sectors ranging from advanced manufacturing and technology to ports and green energy.

Humber Freeport chair Simon Bird said: “The investments secured in our tax sites will be transformational for the Humber, both in terms of direct employment and through growth in the broader supply chain. It’s important we build on this impressive momentum. We’ve got off to a very strong start – now we must seize the opportunity to supercharge our region’s economy.”

Much of the early investment in Humber Freeport sites has been made within the Hull East tax site. Those investments include Equinor selecting Saltend Chemicals Park for a low carbon hydrogen production plant and Pensana for a rare earth processing facility. Meld Energy for green hydrogen plant, also at Saltend, is also moving forward.

Other key projects have also been announced at the chemicals park – a clean gas plant by Standard Gas Technologies and plans by OXCCU for a demonstration plant to convert carbon dioxide and green hydrogen into sustainable aviation fuel.

Within the wider Hull East tax site, plans have also been approved for the £200m Yorkshire Energy Park, a technology campus which could support more than 4,000 jobs.

Finish manufacturer Metsä Tissue has selected part of Humber Freeport’s Goole tax site to develop the UK’s largest paper tissue mill. The development will create more than 400 jobs directly, with thousands of indirect jobs in the supply chain and local economy.
