Freight News, Rail

Russian railways tests fridge containers

[ August 12, 2016   //   ]

Russian Railways’ JSC RZD logistics arm is testing a new temperature-control system for  perishable goods from China to Russia.

The first refrigerated container train carrying fruit and vegetables left Dalian on 8 August and is expected to arrive at in Moscow railway in 18-20 days.

Containers are connected to a diesel-generator wagon to maintain the correct temperature.

RZD Logistics deputy sales director, Alexander Baskakov, said shipping of perishable goods in refrigerated containers by rail is a new technology in China.

Closer to home, logistics company John G Russell is to expand its use of refrigerated containers on the Anglo-Scottish rail route. More details in the Scotland report in the next printed issue of Freight Business Journal (FBJ 6 2016).


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