
Business, Freight News, Logistics, Sea

Ship to shop via Freightliner

[ November 4, 2011   //   ]

Freightliner has signed a contract with CMA CGM to transport containers for ASDA to the North East of England. The rail company will initially be running contract services from Southampton port to Freightliner’s Cleveland Terminal for Asda’s North East Distribution centres.

Asda’s import supply chain manager Alex Linton, said of the deal: “This enables us to ship a greater amount of product through Southampton port with the added benefit of fast transit and reduced emissions by placing our product within a few short miles of the target destination. We see this only as the start of our vision to expand rail operations with Freightliner”.

The new services will help Asda reduce its transport fleet CO2 emissions by 60% and eliminate up to 10,000 road miles each week.