Feature, Freight News, Sea

Stena Holyhead to host electricty from waves scheme

[ February 25, 2017   //   ]

Ferry companies often move oversize shipments for major projects, but UK and European ro ro operator Stena Line has taken the process a stage further by providing the infrastructure for a major scheme.

It has entered a joint venture with Swedish-based Minesto to build an assembly hall in Wales, which Minesto will use to build new technology to generate electricity from the ocean.

The hall, due to be completed in June, will be built on Stena’s land at the port in Holyhead, Wales. The assembly hall will be leased to Minesto and used for the upcoming rollout of Deep Green, Minesto’s unique technology for cost-effective electricity production from slowly flowing underwater currents.

Minesto’s first commercial power plant array will be installed in Holyhead Deep off the coast of North Wales, the company having recently announced plans to expand the project from 10MW to 80MW installed capacity. Minesto’s power plants will supply up to 80,000 Welsh households with locally produced, reliable and renewable electricity.

Minesto chief executive, Dr Martin Edlund, said: “We are very pleased to have finalised this agreement with Stena Line. With its direct quay access for offshore transports to and from site we have secured a unique location that suits us perfectly. We are two companies from Gothenburg, exploiting these ocean energy business opportunities together in Wales, which adds to the excitement.”

Stena’s chief commercial officer, Björn Petrusson, added: “This investment creates value for Stena Line in several ways and demonstrates opportunities in port operations linked to ocean renewables. Our sustainability strategy has a clear focus on clean energy so participating in the development of new renewable energy sources is natural to us. This investment is good for our business and is also an investment in a better future for all of us.”

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