
Complex moo-vement for ABC

AirBridgeCargo Airlines (ABC) loaded a herd of 146 heifers on board one of its 747-8F freighters for a flight from Houston to Bangkok. The shipment was arranged in partnership with specialist animal forwarder Intradco Global. The animals were grouped in 27 cow stalls for the 17,182 kilometers, 19 hours 45 minute flight with temperature maintained at 6 °C to 10 °C. ABC general director, Sergey Lazarev, said: “We treat animals not like ... [+]

ABC and Unilode roll out connected containers

AirBridgeCargo Airlines and Unilode Aviation Solutions rolled out what they describe as the world’s first digitised main deck containers. The AMA/AMD fire-resistant containers, manufactured by Nordisk Aviation Products, are equipped with a Transmitting Portable Electronic Device based on Unilode’s Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 5.0) technology. They can track the location ... [+]

ABC goes supersize

AirBridgeCargo Airlines has rolled out its first ‘abc XL’ aircraft livery on one of its Boeing 747 freighters to celebrate surging demand for its oversized and heavy cargo service. It said that demand continued to grow in the first four months of 2019, with volumes up 3% year-on-year to more ... [+]

New medicine box for ABC airlines

AirBridgeCargo Airlines has signed a leasing deal for Sonoco ThermoSafe’s PharmaPort 360 temperature-controlled containers. It will bolster the carrier’s delivery options for temperature-sensitive shipments and guarantee a broader choice of containers for pharmaceutical consignments. The PharmaPort 360 safely maintains the required temperature in various ambient temperatures from 60°C to -40°C and can ... [+]

AirBridgeCargo offers premium product

AirBridgeCargo Airlines has introduced a new ‘abc premium’ product offering guaranteed capacity and prioritisation on specific flights across the Russian-based carrier’s international network. It is expected to attract demand from customers with urgent, time-sensitive shipments. [+]

ABC adds D(haka)

AirBridgeCargo Airlines has added Dhaka in Bangladesh Bangladesh to its international network based on its Moscow hub. It will offer twice-weekly frequencies operated in conjunction with its Shanghai service. [+]

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