
ABP offers logistics land in Cardiff

Associated British Ports has released more development land on the south side of Cardiff city centre. The two sites are at ABP Business Park within the Port of Cardiff and could accommodate up to 200,000 sq ft of new industrial or logistics development. The sites on Longships Road comprise approximately 13 acres and are available as a whole or in part. ABP Business Park has access to two junctions of the M4 ... [+]

Cardiff signs deal with green energy firm

ABP’s Port of Cardiff has signed a new lease to provide secure storage for with fuel distribution company, Greenergy. The one acre site will be used by Greenergy’s in-house logistics haulage operation, Greenergy Flexigrid, to provide fuel and distribution services to a wide range of customers in the rail and ... [+]

There’s a buzz about the port of Cardiff

ABP South Wales is used to handling steel, grains and containers - but bees? Port manager Callum Couper recently took a call asking if his team would like to recover an errant swarm that had settled on a bench at Cardiff Bay Barrage. However, it wasn’t quite so left-field as it ... [+]

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