Shortsea connections to and from Antwerp grew steadily in the first four months of 2021 due partly to an increase in feeder transhipment volumes as a number of direct deepsea calls in the UK were suspended.
The port said that the disruption to liner services had led to additional shortsea connections to and from Irish and British ports such as Liverpool and London. Furthermore, goods from Antwerp are increasingly being carried ...
Antwerp was visited by its deepest draught vessel ever when the MSC Regulus, drawing 15.7 metres entered the port on Sunday 28 February. The trial was part of a programme that will see the draught incrementally increased from 15.5 metres to 16 metres – part of a plan to ensure ...
Total throughput at the Port of Antwerp fell by 4.9% in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2019. After a strong first quarter, the port experienced a decline in the transhipment of all flows of goods, apart from containers. Despite the impact of the ...
The Flemish government has announced a scheme to build a second tidal dock in the port of Antwerp, together with projects such as infilling existing docks to create additional space. It follows an increase of 6.8% in total teus to 11.86 million in 2019.
Antwerp Port Authority, along with local governments and the rail operator are to develop a new container terminal at the Mosnov industrial zone, near Ostrava in the Czech A new spur will be added to the Studénka-Veřovice line which is expected to help move a substantial amount of traffic from ...
Antwerp Port Authority has appointed a new representative for the UK and Ireland, as part of its preparations for Brexit. Based in Goxhill, Justin Atkin has more than 20 years of experience in transport, shipping and logistics and for the past two years has been owner of Ragged Edge Consulting ...
The Railport Antwerp joint initiative between the port authority, the Left Bank Development Corporation and the industry associations Essenscia Vlaanderen and VOKA-Alfaport, is to expand its activities with the aim of doubling the proportion of rail transport in the port of Antwerp over the next few years. It has also ...
The port of Antwerp is to appoint a full-time representative in London, in order to keep in closer touch with the economic situation in the UK now that Brexit is looming.
With an annual freight volume of nearly 14 million tonnes (2017), commercial relations between the port and the UK are ...
The port of Antwerp has achieved a record freight volume for the fifth straight year in a row with 223.6 million tonnes of freight in 2017, an increase of 4.4% compared with the previous year. Container tonnage expanded by 4.3% to 123m tonnes while ro ro was up 10.5% to ...
Antwerp Port Authority and FPIM (Federal Participation & Investment Company) are to jointly acquire a stake in port community digital data platform, NxtPort. The Port Authority will take 75% and FPIM 25% in the form of capital plus a subordinated loan, together totalling €5.25 million. NxtPort chief executive Daniel Lievens ...