
Bristol handles first Mazda UK car shipment

Bristol Port welcomed Mazda UK's first direct shipment of cars from Japan at Royal Portbury Dock on 28 March. The NOCC Atlantic delivered 2,355 cars to Mazda’s new automotive port handling centre at the Bristol Port Company estate.  Bristol Port become the fourth port of entry in Europe for Mazda Logistics Europe, joining Barcelona, Antwerp and Zeebrugge. Over the course of the next 12 months the new centre will receive a vessel ... [+]

Brexit boost for Bristol boxes

Bristol Port has completed a a £9 million upgrade of its container terminals, including two new gantry cranes. Bristol operates two facilities - Portbury handles larger vessels including the weekly MSC feeder from Antwerp while Avonmouth serves smaller vessels needing rapid turnaround time for smaller volumes. Carriers calling at the port ... [+]

Bristol gets AEO

Bristol Port has gained full Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status from HM Revenue & Customs. It will allow it to waive duty guarantees for goods held at its facilities and could also speed up the process of applying for other types of customs accreditations in future, it said. [+]

Bristol recieves first woodpulp shipments

Bristol Port received the first shipment from Brazil to Royal Portbury Dock in March under a new contract expected to bring significant volumes of wood pulp. Shipped by Fibria, one of the world’s largest manufacturers, the cargo arrives on Saga Welco vessels and will be warehoused at the docks before ... [+]

Conveyor is Portbury’s longest-ever

Bristol's Royal handled its longest-ever ship when ACL's Atlantic Conveyor called on 15 May. She was diverted from her normal Liverpool call by lock outages. ACL managing director Ian Higby said: "Keeping to our schedule is a key part of our promise to our customers so we are very pleased ... [+]

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