
e-AWB adoption in the UK

Although its e-Freight initiative – and e-AWB adoption in particular – has been much slower than IATA would have liked, penetration has nonetheless been growing year-on-year. However, this appears to be moving up a gear in the UK with IATA’s recent press announcement that 15 airlines “are switching over to e-AWB as the preferred means of shipping cargo to all destinations by using the e-AWB Single Process at LHR airport, ... [+]

CEVA leads the no-paper chase

Freight forwarder CEVA Logistics says it has reached 20.4% e-AWB penetration across its global business, making it one of the leaders in paperless airfreight. In September 2014, CEVA also achieved the fastest e-AWB growth of any logistics company. CEVA signed the IATA multilateral agreement for the use of electronic Air Waybills ... [+]

Yusen signs e-airwaybill deal

Yusen Logistics has concluded a multilateral electronic air waybill (e-AWB) agreement with the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The forwarder will be able to simplify contract procedures, as individual contracts with IATA member airlines for e-AWB implementation will no longer be necessary. e-AWBs are an initiative developed by e-Freight, an ... [+]

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