
Etihad adds UK freighter links

Stansted and East Midlands are among three new Etihad freighter services to its Abu Dhabi hub. Last month Etihad Cargo started operating its Boeing 777 freighters from East Midlands and Stansted airports as well as to Copenhagen in Denmark. Senior vice president of Etihad Cargo, David Kerr, said: “These three new services will connect producers with consumers halfway around the world. Manufacturers in the UK and Denmark can now get ... [+]

Forwarder launches Sri Lanka-East Midlands freighter

US fashion fowarder Trinity Logistics has signed a deal with Etihad Cargo for a weekly wide-body freighter service from Colombo, Sri Lanka to Columbus, Ohio and on to East Midlands Airport in the UK. Etihad Cargo operated several charter flights for Trinity Logistics over the summer, and has now signed a formal, ... [+]

Etihad workhorse to carry thoroughbreds

Etihad Cargo has taken delivery of a new Boeing 777 freighter - its 11th all-cargo aircraft. . Etihad Cargo announced it would take delivery of the two additional aircraft at the Dubai Air Show last year as part of a $67 billion fleet order that was made in 2013 for 199 ... [+]

Etihad goes daily to Edinburgh

Etihad Airways is to launch daily flights between Abu Dhabi and Edinburgh in mid-June. Edinburgh is Etihad Airways’ first Scottish destination, and its third point in the UK, alongside a triple-daily operation to London Heathrow and double-daily flights to Manchester. The Edinburgh service is operated by an Airbus A330-200 ... [+]

Etihad partners with WCA network

Etihad Cargo has launched a new platform in conjunction with the World Cargo Alliance (WCA) network of independent freight forwarders, and IT provider, Worldwide Information Network (WIN). It provides special rates for selected origins and destinations on the Etihad Cargo network for WCA members who are also members of ... [+]

Up to the minute info for Etihad

Etihad Cargo has cut over to a new cargo management system developed with Hermes Logistics Technologies. It gives customers better information on real-time shipment tracking with regular updates automatically forwarded. Handling and tracking of cargo shipments at the carrier's Abu Dhabi hub is also enhanced with hand-held terminals being used ... [+]

First Etihad A380 flies to Heathrow

Etihad Airways operated its inaugural A380 flight from Abu Dhabi International Airport to London Heathrow on 27 December. The carrier plans to deploy its second and third A380s on the London route as well, which will become an all-380 service with three daily flights. It will also serve Sydney and New ... [+]

Etihad offers equine service

Etihad Cargo is offering SkyStables a new equine service for transporting horses and similar species. It is being rolled-out across Etihad Cargo’s scheduled network of 44 freighter destinations with personalised charter services to other cities also available. Horses travel in dedicated stalls equipped with anti-slip floors, loaded in temperature controlled ... [+]

Etihad and Alitalia unveil €1.76 billion plan

Eithad and Alitalia have finalised their plans for the Abu Dhabi-based airline to take a €560 million in the Italian carrier, subject to regulatory approval, with core Alitalia shareholders committing an additional €300 million. A further €598 million in financial restructuring of short and medium term debt will be provided ... [+]

Etihad to fly to Edinburgh

Etihad Airways is to launch non-stop daily flights between its home hub at Abu Dhabi and Edinburgh next year. The route will be operated by Airbus A330-200 aircraft with a 168-tonne cargo capacity per week in both directions, and will offer connections destinations across the Gulf, Asia, Australia and Africa. Edinburgh ... [+]

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