
EU signs Vietnam trade deal

The EU and Vietnam have approved a free trade agreement. It is expected to eliminate 99% of tariffs. [+]

France looks to impose minimum wage for cabotage drivers

France looks set to follow Germany in imposing a minimum wage for foreign drivers on its territory. The French National Assembly said on 15 February that it planned to adopt a measure imposing France's minimum hourly wage of €9.61 for drivers involved in cabotage operations on its territory. Germany introduced its ... [+]

Kenya fruit and veg trade at risk as EU hikes duties

The EU is imposing higher import duties on vegetables and flowers from Kenya as negotiations due to a lack of progress in signing an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the East African Community (EAC). The EPAs has signed EPAs with most groups of countries in the African, Caribbean and Pacific ... [+]

EU-Ukraine trade pact postponed

The trade treaty that triggered the Ukraine crisis is to be postponed, said EU trade commissioner Karel De Gucht following a meeting with Ukraine’s foreign minister and Russia’s economy minister in Brussels on 12 September. The free trade pact with the EU, originally due to enter into force on 1 ... [+]

Brussels unveils standard VAT return plan

The European Commission unveiled plans on 23 October to standardise VAT returns across the Union from 2017. Under its plans, there would be five mandatory information boxes to be completed (chargeable VAT, deductible VAT, net VAT amount, total value of input transactions and total value of output transactions) although member ... [+]

EU exit would leave trade unscathed, argues freight software chief

A UK exit from the European Union could have less impact on trade than might be supposed, argues Peter MacSwiney, chairman of ASM, providers of software and support to the freight industry. With a debate currently raging within the Conservative party on an EU referendum, MacSwiney says: “The common counter argument ... [+]

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