
Cars up, trucks down at Eurotunnel

Tunnel operator Le Shuttle Freight transported 122,250 trucks in October, down 14% compared to 2020 due to an unfavourable comparison because of stockpiling in anticipation of Brexit during the same period in 2020. But it has transported more than 1.1 million trucks since 1 January, it said. Passenger vehicles surged by 47% in the same period, due to less restricted travel conditions. [+]

Eurotunnel freight stages Covid recovery

Eurotunnel says its Le Shuttle Freight service reached pre-Covid levels in October with 142,542 trucks carried. While this was down 7% compared on the record month of October 2019 figures then were boosted by stockpiling effect ahead of expected Brexit. Since 1 January 2020, almost 1.2 million trucks have crossed ... [+]

Record Q3 for Le Shuttle Freight

Le Shuttle Freight said it had its best ever third quarter this year after it equaled last year’s record for the month of September with almost 139,000 trucks transported. Since 1 January, almost 1.26 million trucks have crossed the Channel with Le Shuttle Freight. [+]

Le Shuttle to boost freight capacity by a third

Eurotunnel broke ground on its Terminal 2015 project to increase truck capacity at its French and English terminals on 7 July. Chairman and CEO Jacques Gounon, laid the first stone on the Coquelles freight terminal on a scheme that would boost capacity from 1.5 to 2 million trucks per year in ... [+]

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