
FreightArranger adds London Gateway options

The FreightArranger online booking service is now offering routes between London Gateway and Manchester, Daventry and Leeds. The system already provides trains between Purfleet and Daventry, and from Southampton for forwarders who are moving containers to and from the ports. FreightArranger will organise for goods to be taken from London Gateway, transported by train to either of the three cities, and then taken by road to destination - or customers ... [+]

Online broker adds Southampton routes

Online intermodal brokers, FreightArranger has added new routes between Southampton and Manchester, and Southampton and Leeds. The trains run on all working days, with afternoon loading cut-offs allowing next-day deliveries and can accept high cube (9' 6" high) ISO containers and swapbodies up to 2.5 metres wide. There are opportunities ... [+]

FreightArranger at Multimodal

Intermodal brokerage and tracking service specialist FreightArranger is once again attending Multimodal. Having successfully completed software trials, FreightArranger's online intermodal brokerage platform will be available on the stand for visitors to try out. In addition, the company will be unveiling some innovative UK rail routes, and updates to its rail ... [+]

FreightArranger – be part of it

Forwarders are being invited to participate in trials of FreightArranger's new online brokerage and tracking system for road and rail, which is set to begin its open trial phase. The system is designed to make it easy for consignors to use rail operations in the UK for freight flows as small ... [+]

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